Friday, March 26, 2010

an eyelash discovery

While applying my very minimal "going on a roadtrip" makeup this morning I made a discovery. My eyelashes are noticeably thicker and longer than normal. Only someone who diligently puts on mascara every day would even notice such a thing. I haven't been dabbling with eyelash growth serums (yet) so my only conclusion is that it must be from the absence of pulling associated with contacts. I have basically left my eyes alone for two weeks now, not rubbing them or pulling on them at all, and I'm wondering if this has something to do with the unexpected lash growth.

Blair and I are driving back to my parents house today, which I am a little nervous about only because I am used to blasting music and singing at the top of my lungs the entire way to pass the time. Blair will most likely sleep the whole way, which means no singing for me.

Here is a breakdown of my minimal but still put together makeup look:

Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer - I love this stuff for a quick swipe across your face, but as for everyday foundation, I have moved on to a fuller coverage foundation in her line. I will review that in a seperate post or video once I am sure it doesn't break me out or do anything weird. The tinted moisturizer does exactly what it says - it gives a very faint bit of color and adds a bit of moisture, just make sure to add some powder or bronzer after so you do not look greasy. I just applied with with my fingers.

Laura Mercier Secret Concealer - best concealer I have found for under eye circles and other problem zones. Super creamy and easy to blend.

Mac MSF in Medium Deep - way to dark for me as an everyday powder, but this one makes for an excellent bronzer when I am normal colored, and a bronzer/powder when I am spray tanned. It hasn't taken the place of my beloved Nars Laguna bronzer, but it serves as a different purpose. I apply it with my Sigma SS150 brush.

Mac Blush in Sunbasque (not pictured, somehow it got lost in translation) - another color that is a bit too much on my regular, pale skin, but gorgeous when I have a bit of a summer glow. My last spray tan is still holding on a bit, so this color still looks nice on me. This is the only blush I took to LA and I love it! It is described as a gilded peach with pearl - gorgeous!
Speaking of spray tans, I paid the extra 5 dollars for the "extra stay power stuff" that they offered, which I admit sounded a bit gimmicky but I think it actually worked! I got the spray tan on Sunday afternoon, and it is now Friday, and my tan is still nice and glowy.

Mac Rubenesque paint pot - No shadow today, just this paint pot. You can tell it is well loved from the picture - it is a frosted golden peach with gold and pink pearl (could it sound any prettier?). Normally I pair this with a shimmery lid color like mac all that glitters or honesty, but today I am going for minimal.

Fresh Supernova Mascara - One of the products I am diligently using up for project 10 pan, it is almost at the end of it's lifespan.

Korres Lip Butter Quince - I am trying this one out (it was sent to me), and I like it so far. It gives a soft pink color - not nearly as dramatic as I like, but then again, it's just a lip butter. I think this stuff would be really nice to apply before bed.

31 comments on "an eyelash discovery"

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what you did but your comments are back up :)

Sarah on March 26, 2010 at 3:45 PM said...

Yay for the return of comments!!

Obsessed.Makup.Addict on March 26, 2010 at 4:04 PM said...

I love fast paced makeup, I do it everyday, 5 mins and I'm out the door

Thrrrob1981 on March 26, 2010 at 4:53 PM said...

Glad the comments are back! :)

Unknown on March 26, 2010 at 5:10 PM said...

That stuff is sooo super pretty! I think I might invest in the rubinesque paint pot.. I swatched it at the MAC counter, and it was super pretty

Dreams That Glitter xoxo on March 26, 2010 at 5:14 PM said...

Yaaaay Elle your comments are back! Did you look into that Tangle Teezer by the way?


sarah on March 26, 2010 at 5:15 PM said...

HEYYY!!!! i absolutely <<<333 ur blogs and vids also Rubenesque paiint pot os the best EVER!!! hahahaha my first mac item :):) have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Me too, except the opposite :( My eyelashes have been falling out ever since I got contacts

Anonymous said...

The quince lip butter looks great, but keep on hearing that the lip butters are drying. Would be interested to see what you think.

Anonymous said...

I can't wear eye makeup since I'm allergic to most, and I find that because I never have to use eye make up remover, my eyelashes grow longer. Being asian this is a good thing since most asians have really thin and short eyelashes.

Unknown on March 26, 2010 at 6:14 PM said...

Yay! comments are back up :) Hey Elle, just thought I'd tell you how much I love videos by you and Blair! Hope to see more videos up soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay for comments. I think I'm going to pick up the Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer. I've been hearing rave reviews on it forever but I think it's time to finally take the plunge. especially since I have sensitive skin I like to know how it works on others before I spend almost 50 bucks on a product. That and lately I can't be bothered to put on liquid foundation because i'm so not satisfied with any of the ones i'm using. I think this will be perfect for summertime, when I usually let my skin go bare, but this will at least mouisturize me!
Drive safe on your trip home!


AshCor94 on March 26, 2010 at 8:44 PM said...

I'm not sure how true it is but I have heard that something used during Lasik eye surgery has been known to make peoples eyelashes longer and thicker. I believe that is where they got the idea to create Latisse! I'm sure you could look more into it somewhere on the web! :)

Kassy on March 26, 2010 at 8:49 PM said...

Glad to see you found a way to get these comments on here Elle :)

Unknown on March 26, 2010 at 10:48 PM said...

Cool! I have been dying to try the Mineralize Skinfinish Natural since I've heard it a great setting powder. Also, I have my eyes on Rubenesque paint pot and Sunbasque blush.

Olya on March 26, 2010 at 11:43 PM said...

haha... I love reading your blog!!!
XOXO, Olya

Alyssa on March 27, 2010 at 12:07 AM said...

I love the quince lip butter. I have really dry skin as well as lips and it keeps them pretty soft.

Anonymous said...

I don't really know where I should leave this comment, but there's a really cool new site called that lets anyone ask questions and lets you answer whichever ones you want. I thought that you might be able to use it to answer more specific makeup questions that you might get without having to try to work them into videos or blog posts. It also might be great while you're not youtubing from your surgery.

Unknown on March 27, 2010 at 6:38 AM said...

Hey elle ! I want to suggest a much more natural way of making ur lashes thick and long. Take castor oil and gently coat ur lashes with it before going to bed.U will feel a difference after 2 - 3 weeks. I tried it and it works.Just make sure that the castor oil doesnt go inside ur eyes - that will not be good.
Love ur blog and videos.....THNX !!

Anonymous said...

ohh poor blair... and poor you. you wouldn't be aloud to sing.

big kiss :D

littlemonsterville on March 27, 2010 at 2:47 PM said...

love your blog elle :)
if you like lady gaga check out mine!

Jane on March 27, 2010 at 4:40 PM said...

Rubenesque paint pot I got bc you've talked about it a lot in vids and it is sooo pretty so thanks for the good recomendation!

on March 27, 2010 at 6:11 PM said...

i'm a huge fan of yours! ♥ love your videos on youtube :)

Nyvia Kalita on March 27, 2010 at 7:53 PM said...

I wonder if your eyelash growth has to do with the fact that you haven't been able to use makeup for a while?? I wear contacts and I haven't noticed any difference in my lashes. I do tend to have a lot of shedding when I use waterproof mascara.

maddie said...

hey elle!
i was wondering if you could do a tutorial thing on make up for like model castings where you have to look naturally beautiful without much make up or for job interviews where you shouldn't have too much make up on?

Logan on March 28, 2010 at 1:29 AM said...

Hey Elle just an FYI in the Cosmo magazine with Lady Gaga on the front it says in there that putting on lip products before bed can cause acne. Which makes me really sad because before this article I ALWAYS put on chapstick before bed. Not anymore, now I don't have acne around my chin.

Anonymous said...

were you using any eyedrops for your lasik? Like the latisse is the exact same as a glaucoma eyedrop...something to thing about :)

chaarleneee on March 29, 2010 at 9:53 PM said...

I also used to wear mascara on a daily basis, but I've stopped. It's been a year and a half now. I only wear if I'm going to a party or a club (which is hardly). But my lashes have become noticeably longer and thicker. All I do is curl my lashes in the morning and it looks great! Also, another tip for lash growth is, (it works for me anyway)before you go to bed apply Vaseline on your lash line. I noticed the difference in just a week!

apple grace on April 1, 2010 at 6:58 AM said...

recently, im into fast make-up since its really hot here in my country...and mascarra is something that i cannot just give up easily :)

elle hearts blogs on April 1, 2010 at 1:09 PM said...

ooh the korres lip butter looks so pink and pretty in this picture, i think i'll try it next time i pass by sephora.


Katie on April 13, 2010 at 11:09 AM said...

Elle, what do you think about Laura Mercier's hydrating primer? I almost bought it the other day at my local Lord & Taylor. I tried it on my forearm and noticed that it's a bit watery and felt a little sticky at first. I guess you have to let it set? My friend was buying the NARS primer at the time and I noticed after two minutes, the hydrating primer felt nice and smooth. I need a primer that doesn't irritate my dry / sensitive skin, but also works! I noticed that Dr. Feelgood (Benefit), Prime Time, NARS (minus the SPF), Studio Gear, and Photo Finish, all set immediately. Did this one work for you?

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