Wednesday, March 10, 2010

a shoe tub and a bath bomb

Project 10 Lush seems to be speeding on by, but I think it's because I am using up some of the bath items, which are used up in 1-3 baths most of the time. I don't have a bath tub at my house, so when I am visiting my parents house I definitely make the most of my tub. I have always wanted a tub with little feet on it, like this one ------>
I think they are so romantic and old fashioned, I just love them! I perused on Google for awhile, totally content to look at these clawfoot tubs when I came across this:

That's right. A shoe. Tub. A shoe tub. The most ingenious development ever. It is from SICIS and starts at $17,000. Not really in ANYONES budget for a tub..shoe...thing, but I still love it. I'm sure in the long run I would rather have a little clawfoot tub, but I very much would enjoy bathing in a shoe tub as well. And this is coming from a girl who doesn't have a tub at all. Poor me. (I'm kidding. Kind of.)

Tonight I took a bath (in my sadly normal tub) with my Lush Blackberry Bath Bomb, which costs $5.80. I normally try to split my lush items up into multiple baths, but this time I used the whole thing. With my eye surgery being tomorrow, I wanted to pamper myself a little bit more than usual. This one looked like a cartoon bomb you would see in an old Tom and Jerry episode, complete with the word "bomb" on it. (Ingenious, right? Someone at lush is a whipper snapper). Here is the blurb from the Lush website: "Blackberry smells deliciously fruity like blackcurrant, balanced out by frankincense which lends a certain air of mystery to the bath. Imagine sitting near the sea on a warm Mediterranean day, inhaling the perfume of the flowering trees as it mingles with the exotic smokey incense trailing from the Egyptian trade-boat harbored far beneath you. That's the smell of a Blackberry bath: comforting, serene, and subtly beautiful." I filled my bath up, plopped this baby in, and let it fizz up as I read my book. It smelled very floral, and not very blackberry like, but I liked it anyway. It smelled like violets, stronger than most bath bombs I have tried. It turned my water a light purple color, but it was more of a pretty lavender than a gross omg-my-bathwater-is-black-looking color. I read as I listened to it fizz and relaxed to the floral scent... when I saw a little piece of paper floating in the water.

Yes. My bath bomb had a little paper baby. Fo reals.

I got really excited at this point and almost dropped my book in the tub, so I forced myself to calmly put my book to safety before rescuing my runway paper baby. And guess what it said?

"Boom Boom".

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh the irony of my little cartoon "bomb". I love it. That alone would be a reason to repurchase the bath bomb. Good job Lush. I am thoroughly enjoying Project 10 Lush, because I am savoring each product even more than normal. I am working on a few more products that are taking a bit longer, like some bar soaps and massage bars, but that's a good thing - it means they last awhile, and are worth the money I spent on them.

So now I am off to read and sleep so I can be semi-rested for tomorrow. Overall thoughts? I will be repurchasing this bath bomb :)

Elle Fowler

34 comments on "a shoe tub and a bath bomb"

Anonymous said...

i love you elle! :)
i haven't read your blog YET but i just wanted to let you know that :)

--Caitlin <3

Anonymous said...

Elle you are so funny! I would die for that shoe tub, but the claw-foot is cute too! (: have fun reading and relaxing!


Obsessed.Makup.Addict on March 10, 2010 at 10:24 PM said...

I just saw that shoe tub somewhere else, its cool looking, but I think the shape would be really comfortable because of the slant for your back.

Anonymous said...

Elle that is too cute and i love those tubs ithe the claw feet thingys on them they look so pretty !!!

xxkatiexx4650 on March 10, 2010 at 10:26 PM said...

Oh my gosh I love claw foot bath tubs too! And that shoe tub is so awesome haha! Can you imagine walking into someone's bathroom and seeing that thing? hahaha

Anonymous said...

That's the cutest thing! it would totally work for a girl living in her own trendy apartment! looooove it!

Anonymous said...

That shoe tub is quite odd. Def wouldn't want one as I don't know how I would fit in it. I haven't tried Lush yet and don't think I have a lush around me. :/ Your surgery tomorrow will go perfectly fine!!!!

Carly <3

Cali C on March 10, 2010 at 10:34 PM said...

That shoe tub is so cute.. haha

Check out my blog giveaway...

Anonymous said...

I would be afraid to sit in the bathtub with feet! What if you fell threw it?? The shoe tub is super cute!! I love how the water comes out. And don't worry about Lasik. I have seen Kim get it on Keeping Up With the Kardashians and it really doesn't seem that bad. Good luck :)

crystal on March 11, 2010 at 12:09 AM said...

WOW at the shoe tub and LOL at the floating paper thing. hahahaha.

your blog is so funny, i love your sense of humor. i like reading your blog cause its just so relaxing and easy to read, love it especially when i am trying to procrastinate from doing hw. haha.

kami girl on March 11, 2010 at 12:29 AM said...

i wouldnt mind bathing in the shoe tub! its even decorated with cute little bows :) and the bath bomb sounds wonderful!

Tay said...

I had a pink one with paper hearts in it :)

tiffany on March 11, 2010 at 2:13 AM said...

i used mine the other night and it had the same "boom boom" comic - too cute! :)

<3 tiff

Anonymous said...

Elle you are so funny, I love reading your blogs. You made me die when you were saying about nearly dropping your book to catch the paper baby lol. Hope the surgery goes well, I haven't heard anyone say anything bad about it so I'm sure you'll be fine xxx

Anonymous said...

Wow, Elle. You are a really good writer. I love your blog, and I'll come back and read it some more, definetly!

Anonymous said...

Shoe Tubs are made of awesome. The price IS ridiculous, but... IT'S A SHOE!

Anyway, I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Dani and thanks to you, I'm now addicted to Lush. Now that I've actually looked at your blog, i wonder how many other things I'll become addicted to because of you. I thank you, but my bank account doesn't. :p


Gail on March 11, 2010 at 8:51 AM said...

Nothing like a good bubble bath or a bath with a bath bomb. So relaxing! I like to listen to my iPod with classical music while bathing with a few candles lit. <3

Good luck on your eye surgery! I'm sure you'll be just fine!! Love ya!

Krisha said...

that shoe tub is awesome. although, if i were to purchase it, it would be mainly for the built in slide! lol! could you imagine! good job elle, i will for sure be purchasing this bath bomb!

The Girly Tomboy on March 11, 2010 at 10:10 AM said...

Elle, that first tub is my DREAM tub. I lov how the back curves and is higher so you can rest your head. The shoe, however, is absolutly ridiculous! ;)

I had to do a project 10 lush a while back and what I learned is to only buy a few items at lush at a time and then use them up before I go again. Of course, this only works when there is a lush close to where you live. When I was in grad scool the closest lush was 2 hours away...needless to say I had quite the stash!

Anonymous said...

Hey Elle, not sure if you have the new Lush products over in America yet (think you guys are a few months behind the uk?) but if you like blackberry bomb you'll love one of the new bombs called Space Girl, its purple and shaped like a spaceship, and smells like those little violet sweets. And it has glitter! Theres also a cherry blossom scented bath melt which is yummy.

Carry on March 11, 2010 at 3:53 PM said...

I have to look for this bomb in german Lush stores :D:D

I wanted to ask if there is a possibility to subscribe to your blog via RSS Feed? I don´t find it anywhere on the blog :(

Kelly on March 11, 2010 at 5:13 PM said...


Also, I have a claw-foot tub and although it looks fabulous and romantic, I actually hate it. It's super uncomfortable and I can't stay in it for very long because it hurts my back too much and I'm only 14!

Hahahahahaha sorry to burst your bubble. Hope you feel better after your sugary!

Leah on March 11, 2010 at 5:25 PM said...

Oh my goodness, that bath tub is hilarious! So cute!

I love claw tubs as well, they are just beautiful. I can't wait to get my own house and decorate it! I feel bad for you not having a tub at all though, at least I have that in my tiny little apartment!

Also how did your surgery go?!

-Leah xo

Anonymous said...

This makes me wish we had Lush here in Finland too, but we dont, not that I know of. The only thing we have that has nice smelling stuff is The Body Shop :)

And those bath tubs..That shoe one would be so wonderful to have, but I think that if I had to choose Id choose the other one :)

Take care sweetie
and good luck with the surgery :)


Becky said...

Hahahhahah those clever people at Lush never fail me!
Besides the fact that it is completely adorable and ironic, I think I will try this bomb... how many uses do you think I could get out of one?
And the shoe tub- oh my gosh, you have created a monster! I adore it! Thanks a lot; now I will never see my plain old bathtub the same! Haha :)
Also, it's my dream to have a gorgeous victorian-age claw footed bathtub like that one! So glamorous!

P.S. I hope your surgery went well! And thanks for the review!

Alyssa said...

i love this!!
That bath bomb looks really awesome. I love the fact that Lush thought about something witty to keep us consumers on our toes.haha.What a wonderful surprise.

P.S. I love your blog :)


Kelsey on March 12, 2010 at 3:42 AM said...

lmao! Amazing. Now I want to run out and buy one of these just to live this experience myself.

Anonymous said...

They have that shoe bath tub on display in New York City...
I saw it from a window, and thought it was amazing! haha

la_chan on March 12, 2010 at 8:25 PM said...

hahahaha Elle! I think it's every girl's dream to take a luxurious bath in a glamorous shoe!
Love ya, girlie! <3

Beauty Health & More on March 13, 2010 at 12:33 AM said...

Elle! Can you PLEASE share how u got your layout on your blogspot!?!?

Anonymous said...

Darn it You ruined the surprise for me! hahaha :D

Caro on March 14, 2010 at 2:17 PM said...

can you do a blog or a video post how you cut your lush stuff?

i tried it once and i messed it up! :(

love from germany :)

riema on March 14, 2010 at 3:14 PM said...

I have been following u for sometime now on youtube,and i think you are great. Great job on everything you do for your subscribers.

ProductJunkie86 said...

ooooh Elle, I love that you reviewed my two favorite products in your attempt to clear out your collection! My favorite bath cocktail is Blackberry bath bomb with Frothy Glitter bubble bar. Very girly and yummy and a perfect way to end the day!

Indulge and enjoy! :)

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