Monday, March 29, 2010

Project 10 Pan = pain in the butt

Project 10 Pan is quickly becoming a pain in my butt. It seems to drag on forever, but I am trudging forward in the hopes that there will be some sort of satisfaction at the end. After weeks of finishing nothing up I finally had a few products come to the end of their lifespan:
  • Mac Eye Makeup Remover - wasn't sure if I should count this since it is not makeup but I figured it counted. It's not like I can run out and buy another one though, since the shopoholic in me had a backup. Believe me, I considered "forgetting" I had one so I could go get another and then realized I was acting like an insane person.
  • Nars Laguna Bronzer - Best bronzer ever. I have been through a few of these, but I don't think I have ever been as diligent and responsible as I was with this one. I literally waited until it crumbled up, then used up the crumbles! I don't recommend doing that by the way, because more ended up on my carpet than on my brush (but don't tell my mom!).
  • The next two are mascaras, which I found easy to use up because a) I use a lot at a time, and b) I was using quite a few at once, so several needed to be used up and tossed. The first one is Fresh Supernova, which I really did enjoy. This was actually my second tube of it, but I probably won't repurchase for awhile. I want to explore new ones before buying duplicates just to appease my buying habit. The second one is L'oreal Telescopic, which I will be buying again because it is so inexpensive, and honestly one of my all time favorites. I always try to keep a tube of this around.

I have a few more products that are contenders for the project but still have a lot of work to go, so we will see. I might take a mini break after I finish 5 products if I finish project 10 lush just so I can chill for awhile - I don't want to be boring.
Out of these products I am really enjoying the benetint, although it is totally ridiculous how tiny that bottle is. I bought that $10 one hoping to save money instead of getting the big $28 one, and it is about a twentieth of it's size. Not exactly the best move, lol. I have been using it more as a cheek stain than a lip stain, just because it is a bit drying on the lips, but I like the color a lot. It gives you the just-got-swept-up-in-a-snowstorm look.

4 out of 10 isn't bad, right? For now, I'll keep working at using these products up, but don't be surprised if I allow myself a cheat haul (for good behavior :). Now I am going to get in my super comfy can't-get-out-of-bed bed and watch Lost, since I am about 4 episodes behind. I like to think Lost and my mini snickers bar is a reward for being mega productive today, since I cleaned my closet (moved around enough stuff for Bear to sit on the shelf), helped mom with dinner (we got pizza delivered), shipped some of my contest winners packages (spent an hour trying to figure out which state the Australian address was from. WA = Washington? Apparently not...), and saved a life (moved a caterpillar from the sun porch to the grass).

Busy as a bumblybee right?
Elle Fowler

42 comments on "Project 10 Pan = pain in the butt"

Ebru on March 30, 2010 at 12:12 AM said...

Looks like you're doing good with Project 10 Pan, hang in there and be strong! :) WA = Western Australia, yeah that's the name of the state! I think I'll need to start Project 10 Pan soon, I have to! :)

Jenn =D on March 30, 2010 at 12:17 AM said...

aw! haha. Congradulations on saving a life! I'm sure the catipillar is very thankful you saved him! lol.

Dawn on March 30, 2010 at 12:19 AM said...

Keep going Elle,
You'll get there!
And it will be very rewarding @ the end of it all!
How are you going w/ p10 lush?
And yes, WA in Australia is 'Western Australia'

Kimberly K said...

We miss you on Youtube...hopefully you'll come back soon. And what a sweet daughter you are, helping your mom order

SilhouetteScreams on March 30, 2010 at 12:26 AM said...

Ha, WA = Western Australia :P

Katie Westwick on March 30, 2010 at 12:35 AM said...

I'm proud of you, Elle! I cannot wait until your next haul so good luck with P10P!

megan said...

Ooh Elle when u get a chance, I would love a tutorial on Benetint. I love it, but don't know if its best to apply before or after powder, and with fingers or a brush! Thanks girlie :) & yes allow urself a haul! haha u deserve it.

Jem on March 30, 2010 at 12:50 AM said...

you can do it,hun!

i just finished my project pan & i have to stay that it does drag on forever but i was finally able to do it~!

you can finish it too,hun!


as what the japanese usually say when they encourage people...

Anonymous said...


amber91 on March 30, 2010 at 1:01 AM said...

WA= Western Australia :)

Camille Santos on March 30, 2010 at 1:09 AM said...

wow youre almost there haha,cant do a project ten too weak haha

cory ann on March 30, 2010 at 1:24 AM said...

i found that i have a similar problem with benefit lip products, they're very drying, even they're so called "moisturizing lipsticks".

i might have to try this P10pan thing! it seems like fun and i have tons of eyeshadows and stuff i need to use up!

maybe i'll check out the laguna bronzer this summer!

fresh supernova is my favorite mascara btw, but it's kinda pricey, so i bought some telescopic and you know what? i love it. thanks for the new rec!

jodienas on March 30, 2010 at 3:41 AM said...

I feel your pain elle, I tried doing project 10 pan about a year ago and it just dragged on for so long that I ended up throwing in the towel. I think I might try again but this time it will be project 5 pan haha. WA haha yeah its Western Australia (where I am from), you should have just tweeted it as a question and I'm sure us Aussies would have saved you the time searching hehe. Keep up the blog elle, we are all really enjoying it.

LizYArtur on March 30, 2010 at 5:38 AM said...

P10P is hard work, I´m finding out! This is my first one, Elle and it´s taking me a while! :/ Aha.. I will get there, though!
Besos from Spain!

Devea on March 30, 2010 at 6:30 AM said...

Congrats! If you keep going you will be able to do it! Haha, if this was me, results would not be so well.... :P

Christinnnna on March 30, 2010 at 6:39 AM said...

ahah congrats on saving a life :)
you're going well in your project 10 pan, love your posts, x

Katie Elisabeth on March 30, 2010 at 10:25 AM said...

You're doing really well with p10p! Im doing it too and sometimes I feel as though Im never going to be finished with it - think Ive used up 4 items now! 6 more to go :) xo

Unknown on March 30, 2010 at 11:25 AM said...

Good luck with P10P! Project 10 Lush should go much faster than P10P :) If you wanted you could try doing tutorials with the makeup you are trying to use up (if you can make any of the things work together lol) that way, it'll use up more products!

Leah on March 30, 2010 at 1:43 PM said...

Haha good job Elle! I'm proud :) How long are you staying at your parents then?

Leah xx

Pixie on March 30, 2010 at 3:11 PM said...

You're doing really well with P10P, I caved after finishing the second product. I lasted all of 11 days lol. Good luck!

N on March 30, 2010 at 4:55 PM said...

Good luck :) I'm sure you're going to feel great when you succeed.

I'll be going to the USA in a couple of days, and you've been a real inspiration regarding products I'm going to check out. Thanks!

Sarah on March 30, 2010 at 5:32 PM said...

4 items down! Haha you'll feel very satisfied by the end of project 10. =)

Anonymous said...

You have inspired me to start project 10 pan

missjessiiiica on March 30, 2010 at 8:46 PM said...

good job with the p10p. You are doing great, i wish i had enough strength to do it myself. keep trudging through, you will feel very proud of yourself once you are finished:)

Anonymous said...

WA means western Australia btw :)

jodienas on March 31, 2010 at 2:43 AM said...

elle, I just tweeted you but I'll message you here as I'm sure u get so many replies on twitter. I watched ur March fav's video & thought I would inform you that The Body Shop has brought back that banana shampoo and conditioner along with other old TBS fav's that were discontinued in the past like the dewberry range. They will probably only be available for a limited time only though. I have the conditioner, its amazing. Here a link to the US TBS shampoo
Thought I would let you know before it is discontinued

Anonymous said...

WA means Western Australia.

Anonymous said...

HAHAH about the caterpillar. =]

Charm :) on March 31, 2010 at 6:48 AM said...

waiting for your videos on youtube..miss you elle!

LillianZahra on March 31, 2010 at 7:06 AM said...

Good work with using up those products. It takes me forever to use up anything so even when I finish a make-up remover or a showergel I feel a little sense of pride! x

Caitlynn on April 1, 2010 at 1:57 AM said...

Hey elle im very proud of you for doing project ten pan. In away im kind of doing that myself, except just ingeneral. I dont have a whole lot of makeup nor do i buy a whole lot so i think if i did it strickly for makeup i would probably run out:P Could you check out my blog, im just starting out so its nothing to grand.

Vanessa on April 1, 2010 at 7:59 AM said...

Wow, project 10 pan would be'll finish it though :] and i'm sure that the caterpillar was very grateful for you :]

elle hearts blogs on April 1, 2010 at 1:06 PM said...

haha i'm a shopaholic like you too, although I don't think I could ever finish a project 10 pan! I always end up cheating and just tossing/wasting products since i swear they just don't want us to finish them!!

I wish make up came in smaller packaging so that I'd feel more accomplished finishing them all th etime haha.


Beautygirl1321 on April 1, 2010 at 9:39 PM said...

Hi! You are doing really good! I'm doing it with you! I'm a youtuber too! My account is HairandMakeupbyjazzy, I'm not home now but I when i do my vlog I'm gonna menchin mine! I only have used 2 things... I'm slowww...

Tiffany on April 2, 2010 at 2:01 PM said...

Hey Elle, I've just started out with my own blog ( . Could you please check it out and give me some tips? Thanks! Btw, I love your youtube vids! Please do more tag videos, those are the most fun to watch =)

Tiffany on April 2, 2010 at 2:04 PM said...

Whoops, sorry, I meant, the other one's my youtube. Sorry for spamming!

Val on April 2, 2010 at 11:11 PM said...

Stay strong!! And good for you for doing project 10 pan, I would NOT make it a week!

Anonymous said...

I bet the caterpillar is very grateful! :)

meghangunz on April 13, 2010 at 2:35 AM said...

LOL you should have asked on Twitter, I could have told you it was Western Australia. :D

BoldAsLove on April 14, 2010 at 6:18 PM said...

I put myself on P10P too and have failed miserably the past week...:/ But I'm back on track...starting today :D

Unknown on April 20, 2010 at 12:08 AM said...

Ya know when i heard about this 10 pan project and realized what it was about i was like OMG! theres no way i can use repeatedly the same 10 products till there gone! Come on ELLE! you can do it! Im cheering for ya!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.

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