Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My 4th of July Weekend

I can't believe it is getting close to 4th of July already! This summer is speeding by - don't you hate it when that happens? I feel like the winter months creep on by, and then summer goes like a racehorse. Today is Thursday, and I have spent my whole day doing laundry and watching the show True Blood. I was thinking... what was I doing last year at this time?

Well let me tell you. Last year I found YouTube right around the beginning of July. I posted my first video on July 21st, but it was so bad I took it down, and then put another one up on July 23rd. From there I kept going and now... well now I am sitting here writing to all you guys! 

Today is a rainy day in NYC, so I am just laying around relaxing. Tomorrow I am going to put up my June favs video (I know haha, it's already July but whatever) and then film a 4th of July look that will go up Saturday. Saturday my roomie and I are planning on going shopping and then watching the fireworks. Maybe one day this weekend I will do another BlogTV - the last one was fun.

What are all your plans for July 4th? Maybe if you have cool ones I can live vicariously through you :) BTW, has anyone gone out and bought the August Seventeen Magazine?! Flip it open to see a huge picture of my face! 

One more thing - I am inching closer to 60,000 subscribers - I am going to do a contest as soon as I hit that! I will probably have Coastal Scents and Glitzy Glam prices  - everyone seems happy with those usually. 

Okay I am going to continue laying around lol...

10 comments on "My 4th of July Weekend"

Amanda on July 2, 2009 at 7:06 PM said...

Congrats on all the youtube subscribers! That is awesome. I subscribe to both your twitter and youtube :) can definitely relate to you, you are quite popular & famous over here in New Zealand... I must say I really enjoy watching your vids every weekend. Especially the IMATs footage recently... I am actually going to the Sydney IMATS in Sept cuz of that... Might start uploading vids of it too... xoxox Amanda

Natalie on July 2, 2009 at 7:06 PM said...

I've been doing the same thing all day, laundry and watching Entourage! It must be the weather. haha

Can't wait to see your June faves video!

tofupoo on July 2, 2009 at 7:13 PM said...

ehhee i like this entry, its more personal. this weekend im going out of town for the 4th to a beach city to have firework fun by the ocean. i cant wait to get my copy of 17 i will seriously save it and maybe get two cuz i like decorating my walls with magazine clippings!

Anonymous said...

You should do what xsparkage did for her contest...like the whole no videos over a munute.
Just a thought.

Sunnie on July 3, 2009 at 12:15 AM said...

I'll be celebrating the 4th with my military hubby :-) Can't wait to see your 4th of July look!


Marie. on July 3, 2009 at 5:06 AM said...

I just started posting videos, I'm hoping that in a year I'll have much more subscribers!

I'll trade you your rain for my sun. I hate hot days!

Unknown on July 3, 2009 at 10:12 AM said...

It rained here once and we got more sunshine and heat. I'm hoping to buy a video camera so that I can do videos since I made an account on Youtube a year ago. Hopefully that I'll make videos soon.

Gigglez135 said...

I love your videos!! No Joke, i watch youtube religiously!!...its getting pretty insane...lol but um yeah for the fourth of july since i live by the capital i'll be watching the fireworks at the National Mall...ugh it always gets crowded around the monuments but i'll try my best to get in :D

JessKoeh88 said...

I went to my mom and dad's house for the 4th! They live out on the beach, so there's always TONS of fireworks. We had grilled salmon and salads for dinner as an early birthday party for me. They're going out of town and will be away on my birthday. It was nice and relaxing! Although my poor dog is terrified of fireworks, so she was pretty anxious all day.

Diya on March 3, 2010 at 8:26 PM said...

Hey Elle!

I think i might be posting this comment to the wrong post but my laptop is acting funny so sorry!

Books I would recommend to you:

-The lovely bones By. Alice Sebold (sp?)

-Cleopatra's Daughter By. Michelle Moran (you will cry for sure)

-Shadowland Series By. Alyson Noel (so far there are 3 books: evermore, blue moon, shadowland)

-Fall on your knees By. Ann-Marie Macdonald (this book is on oprah's book club list)

I know your more into the tween books, but I know you will like these books because I loved them and I love tween books too.

I love your videos, keep up the great job!

Please follow and subscribe to me:




Bye :)

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