Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Long Update and New Love

Hey everyone!

Long time no post huh? I figured I would give a quick update. I am still in New York for the summer for my internship - and I am loving it! It's quite an exciting place to be for the summer. There are LOADS of exciting stuff going on in my life right now. 

1) Lollipop26 from YouTube is coming to visit me in two weeks - we have been planning a get together for AGES! We are planning a spa day and tons of makeup shopping. We MIGHT do a NYC meet and greet, but we aren't positive how we feel about that yet (what if creepy creepertons came?). We are currently both going through  whirlwind of present buying for each other :)

2) I am going through a complete "Love YouTube" mode right now. We all go through phases where we aren't feeling it, and then we are, and then we get bored with it again, but right now is a peak time for me loving it. Expect my June favs tomorrow or Wednesday (lets hope for tomorrow!).

3) I have found the love of my life (no, not a boy...) 
Creme de la mer moisturizing cream. Yes it IS terribly expensive - but honestly, I would be willing to spend my last bit of money on good skin. What is more important than good facial skin (unless you are going without food for this, or have kids that need the money)? Expect a review on this product soon - it is love for me. 

Videos coming up soon:
June Favorites
Tanning Video - might have to re-film, camera issues
Night Time Skin Routine
Possibly more fashion/styling videos/accessories
Tutorial Featuring Naked Cosmetics - I sure bought enough of it!

So anyway, I hope you guys are having an amazing Monday night/Tuesday morning. Goodnight!

P.S. What would you guys think of a weekly BlogTV? Would people be interested? 

21 comments on "Long Update and New Love"

k on June 30, 2009 at 12:38 AM said...

of course we'd be interested.

ainsanali on June 30, 2009 at 12:40 AM said...

You should definitely do an NYC meet and greet. I'd definitely come.

tofupoo on June 30, 2009 at 12:42 AM said...

im glad youre in a love youtube moment right now :3. sometimes when i watch gurus videos i can kinda tell when they arent feeling it and its like a chore to them. i dont want to see you in that funk :(. im so excited for you to meet lollipop26! u have to like document that seriously lol especially if there is no meet and greet. i knew blair was in 17 but i didnt know you were! yayy cant wait to get my hands on that. i already wrote to Elle and was like "MORE ELLE PLEASE". and more youtube makeup gurus in general. i will do the same with 17!

Anonymous said...

omggg do a youtube meet and greet!!!!! id so go!

tofupoo on June 30, 2009 at 12:54 AM said...

oh! and a weekly blog tv would be cool! but again do it when you really want to like if you want to tell us things that cant fit into your YT videos! also i hope you are considering partnering with blog tv? i just found out they did that there too and you would be good for that!

Elizabeth said...

You are ah-mazing!!! I'd totally come down for a NYC meet and greet!! YAaaYy more videos!! Über excited!!!!!!
Haha :D
Keep making videos forever!!!
Luuuv ya!

fat-to-fabulous on June 30, 2009 at 12:57 AM said...


I went through a I love youtube phase too, Now I love blogger lol. U shud do a blogtv I think u'd have heaps of ppl watching but I probs cudnt cos Im in Western australia and Im pretty sure we are like 12 hours in front of you so we its 3 in the afternoon there its 3 in the morning here.

Aka. xfatxtoxfabulousx

Anonymous said...

ohmygod! pleasee do a weekly blogtv that would amazing. what is your blogtv channel? I searched allthatglitters on blogtv and a few results came up but i'm not sure they're you.... so will you please put that info in your next youtube video/ blog? thanks soo much pleasee do a weekly blogtv
ps you and your sisters videos are loovee!

ChiChi on June 30, 2009 at 1:02 AM said...

a weekly blogtv would be awesome!!! congrats on being in 17, what an honor! i gotta go pick up that issue as soon as its on newsstands

Anonymous said...

Congrats Elle on being in Seventeen, that's awesome. And you looked absolutely gorgeous! It'd be awesome if you did blogtv more often. Keep up the great videos! xoxo.

Unknown on June 30, 2009 at 1:43 AM said...

Congrats on being on the Seventeen magazine! I'm so anxious to get my August issue and I cannot wait to see you on there. I hope you do BlogTV so that everyone can chat with you and it will be my first time chatting with you.

Anonymous said...

OMG if u did it thursday or friday...my mom will b in new york for business (fun business) reasons. SHE NEEDS TO GET A PIC OF U!!! ahh im so mad i cant b there

Anonymous said...

OMG you guys should soooo do a meet & greet!! i would so come since i live in nyc hehe :o)

juicyglittersx3 said...

omg! yesssss! im sure we'd all love a BlogTv! haha last time you got off before i could get into the main room, lol because my computer was wack.. but oh well!! i'd show up for all of them haha =]

danayaulove on June 30, 2009 at 7:08 AM said...

I'd watch you on blogtv... it would be cool...

Pretty in Pink on June 30, 2009 at 9:59 AM said...

No, I would rather just have you make more YouTube videos than spend your time on BlogTV. Its kind of fun every once and a while, but weekly is a bit much. On YouTube, people can enjoy your videos at any time...but on BlogTV its really only fun to watch it live and most people can't do that.

Anonymous said...

OMG you should come to VA. You could go shopping again with Fafinettex3 and you could do a meet and greet at the mall like she did. I would come. And definitely get on BlogTv regularly. It was so much fun.

Natalie on June 30, 2009 at 3:10 PM said...

I've been wanting to try La Mer for such a long time! I'll be looking forward to your review :)

The Almonds on June 30, 2009 at 5:59 PM said...

i would be very interested!!! i look forward to your videos on youtube!

Anonymous said...

A weekly blog tv would be amazing. I would really love to watch! Plus, you are live.

Are you going to do the answers video? Because that would be really cool.

If we missed the last blog tv, can you post it somewhere? I would really like to see it because I've missed it.

avery said...

cant wait to see the review on creme de la mer!!

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