Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Monday, July 6, 2009

60,000 subs and Bachelorette Drama

Hey guys!!! GUESS WHAT?!

Haha - if you follow me on twitter you totally guessed right cause I have been yapping about it all day! I HIT 60,000 SUBSCRIBERS!!!! 
And that means....da da da DA!!! Contest time!! EEEPP!

So I just really want to thank you guys - and I want to show my appreciation with this contest. I honestly love each and every one of you :) 

Today I came home from work all excited to check my numbers.. and I was at 60,003! I wanted to film the contest video right away but youtube decided to have its banner of death (youtube maintenance). So it will go up tomorrow - have no fear! Today was actually a REALLY good day - I got to watch the bachelorette, which I love. 


Don't say I didn't warn you haha! But honestly guys... WHAT just happened with Wes? Have you ever known a bigger a**ho*e? It made me sick to watch him attempt to lie. He is a bad singer, but an even worse actor, and an even WORSE person. Who do you want to win/think will win (those might be different answers!). I think Kiptyn and Reid will be the final two. Personally, I would pick Kiptyn, but I think Reid might be a better match for her. That's just my personal opinion though :)
Sigh - I love that show. Maybe I can be a bachelorette one day (kidding..kind of. Hopefully it won't come to that). 

*************END SPOILERS**************

On another note, I have completely caught up to the new episode of True blood, (Season 2, episode 4), and I must say I am hooked. It took some getting used to, but I really like it. I DON'T like the violence part, but the romance part over powers that I think. I have Thursday and Friday off work so I am planning on going and buying the first few Sookie Stackhouse books and spending all weekend reading. I don't know if you guys know this about me - but when I get into a series I literally do NOTHING but read. I finished the whole twilight series in a week I think. That is why I am waiting until Wednesday night, because I will want to call in sick to work to read (and that is not okay lol). When the Harry Potter books used to come out I would request a few days off work just so I could enjoy them. 

Michellephan from YouTube is visiting me on Thursday and we are planning on doing a collaboration video - so that's exciting!! 

Anyway it is 10:58 pm right now - about 4.5 hours before my normal bedtime - and I am actually tired, for once. I think I might be asleep by midnight, which is crazy talk for me. 

Question of the post: Well obviously the bachelorette questions if you watch that, but also - do you guys like these "diary" like posts that have nothing to do with beauty really? I am in the process of building a real website, and I am going to have a "beauty blog" section, but I am thinking of having a "diary" section too for posts like this, but only if you guys enjoy haha! 

70 comments on "60,000 subs and Bachelorette Drama"

Meghan Riggs on July 6, 2009 at 11:09 PM said...

heyy could u do a youtube tourorial on how u created ur blog! i love it but i dont know how to customize it the waY U DID :(

tofupoo on July 6, 2009 at 11:15 PM said...

eeeeeppp!i like your personal posts toooo! i love them! def include that! youre making me want to get into the bachelorette! maybe ill find somewhere that will let me catch up. lol i know whatyou mean about books. i would have read the entire twilight series in a week but it was my finals week when i got into it. and DONT even get me started on harry potter . hellooo 2 days to read book 6 just so i can get to book 7. im soo excited for the premier of the movie next week :3

Bryanne said...

Congrats on all the subscribers Elle! And yes I enjoy the diary blog entries, keep them up.

I'm just watching the Bachelorette now, but I don't mind spoilers. I'm all for Kiptyn too, I personally think he's the best match for Jillian. I like Reid, but think he's too different for her. And Ed's a possibility. For once I actually like all the guys left. The show is soo addicting haha!

Rebecca on July 6, 2009 at 11:16 PM said...

I like this non-beauty post. I think it would be a great idea to have them seperated if you do get a website :)
Congrats on the 60000 subs!! I'm one of them!

Anonymous said...

yea that would be cool if you had a site like that. that Bachelorette, was crazy at the end, i had watch season s before this no one has ever done that kind of an exit, he told the guys before it happend he was off to have lots of sex, what a nut.there are a few people on boards on abc's site that dont mind him. its getting worse as the have more seasons. with the people and the liers.

Congrats on the 60,000+ subscribers.
xoxo Erica

Cynara Cupcakes on July 6, 2009 at 11:18 PM said...

I like the diary posts. I like hearing about people's lives and things they are interested. And I know what you mean about reading a series. I get sucked in and just want to keep reading until I finish. =)

Lauri said...

I think the diary posts are a good idea. Wes was such crap I am so glad he is finally gone. I don't understand her connection with Ed. I really hope she pick Kiptyn.

makeupnewbie on July 6, 2009 at 11:22 PM said...

hahah..I think I am the only one here so far rooting for Ed..she seems to have the most chemistry with him and he seems genuinely into her. He is also hot :D
p.s. congrats on the subs :D

Anonymous said...

Oh my god your so right. I can't wait for Jillian to hurry up and see who Wes really is! I didn't get to watch tonight cuz my tv wasn't working! :( I was a HUGE fan of Michael. I was so sad to see him go... and congrats on the 60,ooo!! Thats awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

haha, im like that too when im reading a series im totally into. i must say though, the sookie stackhouse series is a bit different than the tru blood tv series. both are good on their own i think. I hope u like the books and enjoy reading! congrats on the 60,000 subscribers elle! =]

Anonymous said...

ya, i like the diary thing. by the way wasnt the spray tan thing supposed to be today?? don't choose them randomly!!

Anonymous said...

I love your diary type entries! Your like a celebrity now and we're getting to know you a whole lot more and the things you do and talk about are sooo interesting. Keep it up! ^_^

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you totally should make a diary section! That'd be fun. :)

Jillian :D said...

I really like reading your diary posts. Its nice to kinda of know you as a person if that makes sense haha. also they're interesting :)

StarsnRockets on July 6, 2009 at 11:39 PM said...

i love all your blog posts!

aaaand have you decided on a contest theme yet?! maybe you should do all 4 and we can just pick which one we want to do for ourselves.. i know the favorite was "date night looks", but mythical creatures/places around the world would be way more funnnn =D

Dodsonbeauty on July 6, 2009 at 11:43 PM said...

I enjoy reading your personal everyday blogs too!! It's fun to hear what's going on in your life outside of makeup...ya know.

As for the bachelorette...Kiptyn and Reid are my top 2 as well, and Wes is def a GIANT A...lol

jessicaashley64 on July 6, 2009 at 11:52 PM said...

Yeah I like the diary idea.

Lolita Riot on July 6, 2009 at 11:55 PM said...

congrats on the subs! I love non makeup related posts too :)

abigail on July 7, 2009 at 12:02 AM said...

i really enjoy this posts... we get to see a different side of you and is cool!
i hope you do many more!

Anonymous said...

Woah!!! I know .. Wes showed his colors to all. FINALLY! I imagine Jillian is watching the show tonite right along with the rest of us and seeing what he said about " going home and having lots of sex" and.. making it to the final 4 with a girlfriend.. omg!!
Good post!

Anonymous said...

btw.. Elle, I feel like Im 12.. dont know why, but I think you are adorable . I am old enough to be your mom ..haha but Im pretty shy .. dont like to put myself out there. Anyhow.. i saw you and Blair at Imats. I was looking at you guys and you looked right at me and I looked away. LOL. I didnt want to bother you tho. It was sooooo hectic there! Next time I will say hi.
I guess because Im older it makes me think its weird.
I dunno.. how do you guys feel about someone that is say.. um, 42 ish., but may look younger, . (lol) following your blog and YT?

Anonymous said...

ahh I was sooo happy when she kicked Wes off! Not only does he suck but he's super creepy! I'm with you I think Kiptyn is super cute but Reid is the best for her in my opinion! hehe I love talking about the bachelorette.

love you Elle! have a great week!


olivia said...

elle i love it when you do posts like this! after reading this i wanna start reading true blood. and i CANT wait for your contest. ive never entered one of your contests so im really looking forward to this! you really inspire me! you really introduced me into makeup and have made me make it a hobby lol

i hope you had a great 4th of july!


Katie Demers on July 7, 2009 at 12:30 AM said...

Hey Elle,

I just want you to know that I have been reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels and I have been going through them so quickly. As soon as school was over in June I powered through like 3 of them in a week. I'm on book 5 right now and I can't put them down. So you will definitely love them.

I really like that you are blogging more. I like knowing what you think and have been doing.

Congrats on 60,000 subs!!!


Jamie on July 7, 2009 at 12:39 AM said...

Congrats on hitting 60,000! I love the personal blogs - your youtube is mostly all about beauty and fashion, so it's cool to have the personal side of you too.

I keep hearing about that True Bloods show and I'm an uberrrr Twilight book addict, so I'm sure I would like that show. Sadly, I didn't have that channel during the first season, so should I go out and rent the first season dvd?

Good luck with the contest! :)

Jocelyn said...

I think Reid is sweet and he is so adorable in those glasses. :) I think she will end up with him and it will get down to Reid and Ed. Jake was my favorite but I do like the final three. :)

I read rumors that Kiptyn is going to be the next Bachelor...

k on July 7, 2009 at 1:49 AM said...

I like Ed and Reid. Not a fan of Kiptyn at all. I hope she picks Ed.

Bethany on July 7, 2009 at 2:09 AM said...

Hey Elle!

I like both kinds of blog posts. The diary kind are a lot of fun to read and makes it feel more like I have this glamorous friend in the US who gives me makeup tips, rather than just a random.

I hope that that makes sense and doesn't sound too weird!

Sleep well.

- Bethany

Marie. on July 7, 2009 at 4:44 AM said...

Congrats on the subbies!

And that's so cool you'll be meeting Michelle!

xcharleym0ox on July 7, 2009 at 6:14 AM said...

I like your diary posts, it lets people get to know you a little better which is a good thing because then your not just some random girl on youtube who we don't really know anything about. :) x

Cristina on July 7, 2009 at 9:40 AM said...

You can always download the True Blood books from the net... (yes, I know I will go to hell because I did it, and saved my money) and read them in pdf :)

Louise said...

yeah i would love you to do a diary that would be good because i think you are at the point we dont just like you for your beauty stuff but we all want to know about your life and stuff now because we love you so much

Unknown on July 7, 2009 at 10:18 AM said...

aww i love your personal posts too!
beuty posts are great but its nice to get to know a little bit about you too!
good job on everything!

Carolina Belle on July 7, 2009 at 11:02 AM said...

Until now I've been a silent reader / watcher. Thanks for such a great blog and youtube channel!

Dee on July 7, 2009 at 12:01 PM said...

personal posts are great too! congrats on the 60,000 subscribers and thank you very much for the great blog and youtube channel = )

Ms.Emily on July 7, 2009 at 12:23 PM said...

I think a diary section would be great...i just started following you...

i'm still very intrigued with the spray tanner you reviewed ... I'd love some but Im not sure my budget allows me to try it.

sigh...maybe some day...

congrats on the 60,000 followers!

(ps i skipped the bachelorette section because I need to watch it on my dvr still, lol )

have a good day!

Jackie on July 7, 2009 at 4:01 PM said...

i really enjoy these kind of posts, i like them. :) they're amusing!

i don't watch the bachelorette or true blood, but i've heard they're pretty good.

Unknown on July 7, 2009 at 5:28 PM said...

Congrats on getting 60K subscribers!! You are the best guru ever! I don't watch the Bachelorette since I'm much of a VH1 and MTV reality show addict.

Anonymous said...

Elle I honestly do like reading your "diary" blog posts. I think most people do. It's no wonder you're already at 60,000 subscribers. You're AMAZING! Definitely my favorite guru. :D

Kat on July 7, 2009 at 9:22 PM said...

Hey Elle! I ADORE your blogs! And I think that your almost-ready website will be awesome! And, what is your contest going to be on??? I am soooo excited!!!! Keep rockin1!!!!

Anonymous said...

First, I found Blair on YouTube but then she would always say 'allthatglitters' and 'elle' and I looked for you online. At first I wasn't sure what I thought because Blair is more my age but I've grown to love both of you! I also really like how you are closer to the camera whereas she is more out. So yeah...thanks. I love your blog and a weekly BlogTV would be cool. And I missed the last one. Is there anywhere I can see it?

sprut6 said...

Love true blood but if I were you I would only buy the first book or just check them out from the library. The books aren't as good as the tv show imo and they didn't hold my attention.

deewaipio on July 8, 2009 at 1:13 PM said...

I don't know how you find the time, but I love your chatting! You come up with the cutest expressions and statements, makes me smile. Love new things you do besides tutorials...I find it all fun and refreshing, and I think you do too! Congrats on your 60K+ subbies and still growing! <3 ~d~

The Beauty Bargainista on July 8, 2009 at 4:54 PM said...

super congrats Elle!! :) Thats awesome! I love the personal posts! Keep them coming! :)

Annabelle said...

Congrats on the 60000+ subscribers! That is so great :)
I personally would like to read more "diary" style posts from you. I think those kind of posts make you seem more relatable as a person. It's nice to hear what you do outside of your youtube makeup videos.
Anyways keep up the great work! 60000 subscribers is such a great accomplishment, and I'm sure you will get 60000 more with all hard work and great quality you put into your videos.

Anonymous said...

congrats on reaching your goal! :)

katd718 on July 8, 2009 at 10:03 PM said...

I think it's fun to talk about interests other than makeup sometimes :)

I love True Blood. My boyfriend got me watching it. Yet he REFUSES to watch Twilight... The sad thing is I talked him into at least watching the Twilight and New Moon trailers before he could really say no to watching the movie and after the trailer ends he says "so was True Blood inspired by Twilight or something cause they seem really similar?" so he was obviously interested but he STILL refuses to watch it :| men!

Unknown on July 8, 2009 at 10:20 PM said...

First off, grats on 60K!!!! I cant wait for the contest, and it will be awesome, cause you always seem to pick the right things.I think the diary idea is good too, it makes you so much more approachable.

Lacy on July 9, 2009 at 12:26 AM said...

I love the diary entries! <3

Danne Len Cole on July 9, 2009 at 12:58 AM said...

if you like the sookie books I have a bunch of recommendations for you on series you may enjoy!

Muh.Leek.Uh <333 on July 9, 2009 at 3:56 AM said...

i think your make-up tips are great! && i have made a blog about yuu on my personal blog; www.iAM237.blogspot.com :) you're great! thanks so much! read about yuu in an issue of seventeen!

Anonymous said...

hey elle!
I'm totally a huge fan of you and your sister's! I have been wanting to get a makeup bag from glitzyglam, maybe those waffle-weaved ones? But, urm could you maybe like post up pictures of the various colors you offer, cause I'm not really sure what they look like, so I may just end up getting the one you have cause it looks really good on your video. Also, do more of "outfit of the day" videos or pictures! I'm also wanting to get my hands on the july issue of 17 just so I could get a glimpse of you and your sister in it! Keep up the good work!

Muh.Leek.Uh <333 on July 9, 2009 at 3:59 AM said...

hey you do a really great job with your make up tutorials! i blogged about yuu on my own blog www.iAM237.blogspot.com :) thanks so much!

beautyinpictures on July 9, 2009 at 5:33 AM said...

I love your whole blog, personal posts and all. Congratulations on 60K subs too! I can't wait to see your website, I'm sure it's gonna be super cute.
I love reading as well. I was done with the Twilight series in about a week. I was so hooked! And I still am!
I don't really watch any series of shows except The Secret Life of the American Teenager. And even at that - I watch online. I don't have cable lol.
xoxo, Jenni

Heather on July 9, 2009 at 10:59 AM said...

i dont know whether you knew this or not, but there is an episode of sex and the city called all that glitters! :) xxx

Shimmerleaf said...

omg I LOVE Michellephan!!! she's amazing. i've never been to your blog before- it's cool!

The Last Single Girl on July 10, 2009 at 2:14 AM said...

I watched all the True Blood episodes last week until I got caught up and I am now obsessed. I went out and bought the first two books too and started reading them. HAHA. I love it.

Jasmine on July 10, 2009 at 4:11 AM said...

ive been following true blood too and started reading the first book! its great!

StarsnRockets on July 11, 2009 at 2:07 AM said...

elleeee you havent posted a vid in forever =[ what about this contest vid!!

Naomi on July 11, 2009 at 4:52 AM said...

I guess you've not got the TIME to read this Elle, but I just love your videOs!

Rachel on July 13, 2009 at 1:22 AM said...

TRUE BLOOD!? ahhha I'm in love with it.


Anonymous said...

Great video's & great blog!

Greetings from the Netherlands,

Veroncia (Pinkie4421) on July 14, 2009 at 10:14 PM said...

Elle - I think Wes was a toad. I personally think she is a better fit with Ed. I loved Reid, but he was unable to talk to her the way she wanted him to, I think he was the one that was more "real" then some of the others...however, my pick has been Ed since he walked into the room as one of the 5 "other" guys. Then when he left I was heart broken...and when he knocked on the door...yay!!! Then he brought his parents so she could meet them, I think she reads too much into certain actions and not enough about others.

Veronica (Pinkie4421)

Parisofficial on July 14, 2009 at 11:08 PM said...

Hey, can you post a video on youtube just mentioning where you got the Twilight-Bella bed set?

Love your channel. XO

Anonymous said...

Omg, my Monday nights are dedicated to Bachelorette! My mom and I knew that very first night that Wes was going to turn out how he did, we could just tell he was a bad apple! haha I can't believe she let Reid go! He should have told her how he felt... I think Kiptyn should be the one! He's just so cute! Oh, and congrats on all of your subbies! :D
bms82NAU (youtube)

Laura on July 15, 2009 at 3:03 AM said...

omg I loved the Sookie Stackhouse series. I've read them all and then loaned them to my mother-in-law. I'm not normally a vampire/romance kinda girl but the series sparked my curiosity and so I bought the whole book series because I couldn't wait to find out what happens next. The second season on SHO is deviating a bit from the books but that's good because it keeps the TV series interesting because I still feel like I'll be surprised with every episode even though I've read all the books.

Veronika on July 15, 2009 at 8:14 PM said...

I LOVE your personal/diary blogs! It is always nice to know and read more about someone you admire and who's tutorials you love.

Unknown on July 20, 2009 at 12:56 AM said...

I love the diary blog!!! Definitely do it again, Elle! :)

Nina on July 28, 2009 at 4:03 AM said...

congratulations Elle !!! That is a HUGE number of subscribers, but you are brilliant, so no wonder!
Keep doing what you do best!!
Nina (thelatestgloss.blogspot.com)

Nina on July 28, 2009 at 4:03 AM said...

congratulations Elle !!! That is a HUGE number of subscribers, but you are brilliant, so no wonder!
Keep doing what you do best!!
Nina (thelatestgloss.blogspot.com)

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