Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Insomnia, Bear, and my first birthday

Today is my one year birthday of videos on youtube, as you all probably know from twitter. I had planned on doing a little video about it, but honestly I am a bit tired today. I was sick earlier this week with a bit of a stomach bug and I am getting over that, so my body just feels tired and sore. I will eventually go and buy myself a cupcake though :)

So basically - and HUGE thanks to everyone who has stuck with me throughout this last year. I would not still be doing videos if you guys weren't watching them and leaving such nice feedback. We all complain about haters and stuff like that but the fact of the matter is that 99% of comments I get are extremely positive. I encourage everyone to make videos if they want to - don't be scared.. my first video was horrible! Want to see a screenshot of it? It is not even public anymore on youtube.. but here is a nice picture..
Basically I am not angled towards the camera at all, I don't even look at it, and the worst part is.. I don't even talk! I turn the camera on and then sit there putting on my makeup. My point is, anyone can make videos.. even if you are a bit shy at first. If you want to see how it will turn out, do what I did! Make a video (you don't even have to speak if you don't want people to hear you) and then put it up to see what it looks like! I did that a miraculously got about 7 subscribers - and I was like YES!!! HAPPY DANCE!! Hopefully that will encourage some of you to go out and try it :)

On a different note, Bear is doing a bit better. That is him over there <----- with his head in my lampshade. He is eating a little bit of ham every day, which is progress because he used to not eat anything at all. Mom encouraged him to eat by telling him for every bite he eats he can have 3 minutes in the guinea pig cage, which he loves. They get along quite nicely (no, he would never hurt guinea.. guinea is more likely to hurt Bear).

Have any of you guys read the book "Agnes, thongs, and full frontal snogging"? If you have, then you will know what I am talking about. I kind of want to write a book like that, only about my life. I think that would be funny. I might do that when I have time on my hands, which is never, unfortunately. It would be diary style, and very silly.

I have decided to classify myself as a full-fledged insomniac. I have always thought that I am one but I never really would have said, "Hi, I am Elle, and I have a problem. I have insomnia." Now I will say that when I meet people. My life consists of waking up insanely early for my liking (I can't help if my body "naturally" wants to wake up at 1pm), walking about sleepy all day, feeling ready to pass out by 7, and then as soon as the sun sets it is like BAM! And then I am wide awake and super productive. I can study for exams, clean my room, make videos, work out.. anything! So then I stay up late because I am doing things that need to get done and then I have to wake up early again. It is a vicious cycle. Maybe I should move to a place like Alaska where it is light out less time than normal places. But that opens an ENTIRELY new problem - I am afraid of the dark! I wouldn't want it to be night all the time because then I would never leave my house!

Oh dear... I have exhausted myself. I must wait until sundown to contemplate all this new information.

What would you guys like to see more videos of in this coming year? More tutorials, reviews, fashion videos, drugstore videos, vlogs? Let me know in a comment :) Love you!! MWAH!

94 comments on "Insomnia, Bear, and my first birthday"

Callisonanne on July 23, 2009 at 4:56 PM said...

Tell your mom to be careful with the ham. Salted meats can make cats dehydrated quickly. But...if that's all he'll eat then by all mean give it to him!!!

Liz on July 23, 2009 at 4:58 PM said...

i would love to see more celeb looks... like Demi Lovato

katherinebee on July 23, 2009 at 5:01 PM said...

I'm the same way with sleep - I fall asleep (most of the time), wake up at 1:30 completely awake, get tired again around 5:30 am and am a total zombie all day. At least it's a good time to write!


Candy on July 23, 2009 at 5:02 PM said...

Just keep doing what you're doing Elle! It's all brilliant.

Happy Birthday!? x

tofupoo on July 23, 2009 at 5:04 PM said...

Elle i would LOVE to read a book about you :). I agree, i really think you have the best subscribers on youtube, they say the kindest things on your videos, i really like reading the comments. I remember i once read one about a single father who really appreciated you and the videos you made so his daughter could watch and learn. I havnt been with you TOO long i joined some time in feb or march under the name "potatobrains" after i found your twilight videos, but i think you are so easy to relate to especially since we are the same age (my birthday is a DAY before yours!) i hope bear keeps getting better! i think he will! have fun on your anniversary

sam said...

I would love it if you made more videos about your favourite products, and that type of thing. also, your vlogs are cute. i know that you don't like to spend that much time on your hair, but i'm just saying that you have beautiful hair and that you could do more looks with it!
go on ustream or blog tv sometime :)

Tina on July 23, 2009 at 5:06 PM said...

celebrity inspired looks and more vlogs cause sometimes they can be funny. Also fashion and drugstore videos but the celebrity inspired looks can be interesting to see how you re-create it.

Anita :) on July 23, 2009 at 5:06 PM said...

I've been wanting to make videos foreverr! and I'm so shy but I really think that i'll just do it now =] thanks for the encouragement haha

Anonymous said...

I would like to see more tutorials! You haven't done one in a couple weeks! But I know how busy you are and I have loved all the other videos you have put out!

tofupoo on July 23, 2009 at 5:07 PM said...

oh and for more things i say more looks! their is a new twilight movie coming out and i hope you do the new volturi girls! and def more fashion!!!!pleasee!! even if its just simple school looks!

Hillarie on July 23, 2009 at 5:08 PM said...

Happy Youtube Birthday!!!

Do what you've been doing. It definitely works

Phibster on July 23, 2009 at 5:10 PM said...

Your vlogs are hilarious, especially your random facts one :)

I'd love to see more wearable looks that are easily created for those of us who aren't lucky enough to have your awesome collection!

I didn't even know about you a year ago! Happy birthday! :D


katiemay said...

Hi Elle!
That's so cool that you've been on YouTube for a year but a little weird because it's my real birthday today!
hahaha, good luck with everything, I love your videos :]

Anonymous said...

I love your tutorials, hauls, celeb looks, and reviews. Your "favorites" every month are awesome too! Thank you so much for making videos. They are so much fun to watch and even more fun to try and duplicate some of the gorgeous looks!

Thank you again and happy 1 year! :)

Anonymous said...

I would like to see more celeb looks, reviews, and drugstore videos :)

Anonymous said...

aww.. bear's so cute! :) i love when you show him in your videos! and i don't really care what videos you post as long as you post some! i just love watching you because you're happy all the time, and you're one of my favorite gurus! hope you and bear feel better!

Nicole B on July 23, 2009 at 5:54 PM said...

Hey Elle!!
Happy belated one year, I'm a day late D:

Fall/Winter fashion would be awesome!
Or maybe a Fall/Winter make up "look"?

Actually, maybe a Celebrity-inspired "series" for Fall would be cool. (looks that would be fun for fall/are "in"/etc.)
Here's a fun look to do that of course is going to be "in" this season again!- Bill Kaulitz.
If you don't know who he is, he's the singer from a band called Tokio Hotel. (they're German).
Bill Kaulitz could be the "smokey eye" for fall. :)

Sorry that was a lot of ideas in one comment. o_o

haha. :)

- Nicole B

Anonymous said...

Happy B-day elle! I hope Bear gets better. I would love to see more fashion videos, vlogs, and maybe more about coastal scents palettes. I love your videos and would love to read a book about you!

Nicole B on July 23, 2009 at 5:56 PM said...


Nevermind about the belated thing.

skldghoid I'm full of stupid mistakes today. D:

- Nicole B

Unknown on July 23, 2009 at 6:04 PM said...

Well Happy Birthday!!! and i'm glad that Bear is doing better..I know how it is with sleep insomnia, I can't go to sleep for my life..and my mom had the same problem. Don't mean to be noisy but have you try talking to a sleep doc?? thats what eventually mom had to do. I hope you feel better tho!!

Glendaaaax3 on July 23, 2009 at 6:12 PM said...

I love your blogs because they have such a strong voice. :) That definitely confirms that when you write a book, it will be amazing. I'm glad Bear is feeling better and hope he continues to do so. As for my feedback on what I'd like to see more of... I like Elle's glitter gossip, celebrity looks, as well as drugstore videos and style videos. Thanks for making videos, girl.

rockerchick2719 on July 23, 2009 at 6:13 PM said...

AWW I hope bear gets better!! I use to have a cat named Bear but he died when he was less than a year old. I use to call him Beary Beautiful!! hehe! Also Happy Youtube BDay!! I wouldn't mind seeing more vlogs and fashion video's and I love your Tutorials and reviews!!

Sunnie on July 23, 2009 at 6:18 PM said...

More drugstore videos!


xcharleym0ox on July 23, 2009 at 6:20 PM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
xoxoTori on July 23, 2009 at 6:20 PM said...

I would really like it if at the end of your haul videos you pick a must have out of everything you bought! That way we know what we should and shouldn't get! Thanks for your time Elle! I LOVE your videos (: I hope my beauty videos get as famous as your's some day (:

xcharleym0ox on July 23, 2009 at 6:22 PM said...

I think you must have been a cat in a past lifetime, it's like your nocturnal lol.

I hope Bear is better soon, im glad to hear hes doing better! :) x

Babi Fonseca on July 23, 2009 at 6:30 PM said...

i was reading the insomnia part and i just started laughing cus im the same way! i feel we're like the cullens, with a LOT of free time when everyone is asleep lol..

but anyways happy bday! i love your tutorials and vlogs, but specially your reviews. i know i can trust your opinion - and i always take it in consideration before buying something new.

congrats for all you have achieved already, and for what im sure you will accomplish next!

xoxo from another fan from brazil!

Natalie said...

Hey Elle! LOVE you and your videos! Happy youtube birthday! haha :)

That's great about Bear. He's so adorable and I can totally relate-it's awful when your pets get sick. And I can only imagine not being able to see him and help him.

As for your videos, I love all of them. But my favorites are your reviews, tutorials, and vlogs. Drugstore videos are also helpful, since my parents won't buy me a ton of expensive makeup (I'm 13). I also think you should do ustream or blog tv more! I missed it last time, but I watched an hour of Blair on ustream last night, and it was really cool!

I know this is a super long comment already, but I have one more thing. Me and my friend Brooke both LOVE makeup, and we want to start making videos like you and Blair and all the other makeup gurus. Any tips?

Thanks Elle!!

Sophie on July 23, 2009 at 6:40 PM said...

you were the first one that interduced me to the whole beautycommunity...so thank you very much for that...i personally love watching haul videos...
xoxo lola

Audrey said...

i would love to see more tutorials, reviews, drugstore videos, and vlogs please! =]]

basically what you are doing now, cuz you are doing a FANTASTIC job with all your videos! (:(: i practically watch every one (:(:

just keep what you are doing, Elle! =]

and Happy 1 yr on YouTube!! =D

Anonymous said...

So nice to see a fellow insomniac!
I have a very different sleeping schedule, lately I've been getting like 5 hours of sleep, lol, which isn't healthy. But I can't help it! lol

kristiib on July 23, 2009 at 6:55 PM said...

try turkey breast shaved for the cat - also baby food meats in the jar( yes the really gross looking ones) sometimes work. I have a himmy too - get well bear!!

barbiechickabowwow said...

ahh i think i have the same problem. at night i have soo much trouble sleeping i stay up soo late becuz i cant sleep. then my mom gets mad at me for sleepin so late and i tell her i just cant sleep and she just doesnt understand or care.. its kinda frustrating!

Cats on July 23, 2009 at 7:01 PM said...

hey! I would love to see fashion videos because I think you really have an eye for clothes

Sally on July 23, 2009 at 7:23 PM said...

Happy Birthday! I love all the videos you do. :) I remember the first video of yours I watched, the purse one. I loved your personality and I just had to subscribe. Good luck forever.

Bryanne said...

Happy 1 Year of Videos Elle. You were the first beauty guru I came across on youtube (totally random too!) and you are still my fave! Keep up the great videos, you're awesome and really are talented. I especially love tutorials and vlogs.

Get some sleep hun! =)

Anonymous said...

Hey Elle! I'm so glad Bear is progressing. Just keep hoping and praying! :D

I would love to see more vlogs bout your life (those are soo fun to watch), more reviews, and definitely some more fashion videos. You do have a target on fashion and I would love to see that. Also more celebritiy make up inspired looks ^_^ and recreate like Blake Lively or Miley Cyrus make up looks. I would LOVEEEE to see those two especially.

beautygoddess on July 23, 2009 at 7:53 PM said...

More vlogs and fashion videos! I think you have an awesome sense of fasion... and I LOVE hearing you sit in front of your computer making a fool out of yourself :) haha so more vlogs pleasee!

Emma said...

keep making videos...of any kind, i love them all! i just started following you (seventeen)...and i wish i had been with you since the beginning...because i have a lot of videos to watch to get caught up!
for me you're kinda like an online big sister, there to be positive and help me with my makeup...thank you so much Elle!

Andrea on July 23, 2009 at 8:23 PM said...

Yay! Happy Youtube Birthday!! Personally I think you are doing great but I would love to see more hair product reviews.

Emily said...

Happy anniversary Elle!

I haven't been a subscriber to your videos for very long, but I love them and I've watched almost all of them! Thanks for the encouragement, I think I will start making videos :)

I love your favorites, reviews, celebrity tutorials, and especially your vlogs! I am a fan of glitter gossip.

Thank you for making me smile!

WondaaGirl on July 23, 2009 at 8:45 PM said...

Happy anniversary ! I'm so happy for you. I really love all your videos, you are an inspiration source for me.

Just continue like that because what you're doing is perfect !


emilieb84 on July 23, 2009 at 9:43 PM said...

Hey Elle,

In the past year I found that you have learned a lot from the time you post the first makeup tutorial till now! In this whole world of makeup and beauty related, there are a lot that you learn has time goes by and even if we know quite a lot of techniques and tricks, there’s always more room to grow and learn and that goes with anything in life.

As for the insomnia, well I think it come with getting older and having more responsibilities. I am 24 years old and my week days normally start at 4:30am and ends like around 11ish pm, witch it makes for a very long day. So when the weekend rolls around the corner, I am up at the same 4:30am.

I will defiantly try to make my own video and let you know how it went!! Thanks for the encouraging words!!! And Happy first Birthday!!!


Anonymous said...

WOW! thats crazy! in just ONE YEAR you got 60,000 subscribers? i think that could be a first on youtube. you are the luckiest person ever.
i really like ur fashion videos! keep those up! (for me.. haha!)
thanx 4 reading! happy one year on youtube, elle

Chelsea on July 23, 2009 at 10:45 PM said...

Happy 1 Year, Elle!

As for the insomnia, try not to work out late at night! I used to, thinking it would make me sleepy but doctors say it has the opposite effect! Also, its best to avoid watching TV, going online, etc. before bed. The screens keep you up! (I admit I check my twitter all the way up until I go to bed!) Hope this helped!

I vote on more drugstore and vlogs! You're so funny on your vlogs!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Elle!
Congrats on all the sucess you have had this past year, hope you have many more. you and ur sister are very sweet girls and deserve it.
keep up the work with the awsome videos.

Erica(vintagexglam07 on youtube)

Unknown on July 24, 2009 at 1:47 AM said...

Happy one year anniversary on YT! You are a very swwet person and though you are a very hard working girl to get where you are right now and you are inspiration to me and though I do want to make videos someday whenever I buy a video camera soon.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Lindsay on July 24, 2009 at 3:20 AM said...

hi elle, my dog got really sick not too long ago and she wouldn't eat either. she was losing a lot of weight. we went to the vet and got a syringe (a big one without a needle) and put canned dog food or baby food in it. then we would squeeze the food in her mouth kind of forcing her to eat. after a few days she started eating on her own. we had to give her water the same way. i hope this might help you. its so hard when a pet gets sick.

emma:) on July 24, 2009 at 11:11 AM said...

Happy youtube birthday! I love all your videos! I am happy that Bear is eating and doing better. I would like more tutorials maybe, but anything you do is great

LaLa on July 24, 2009 at 11:47 AM said...

Happy youtube birthday, Elle! I really enjoy your videos, I have been your suscriber for a couple of months or so, and now I follow your blog too. I really enjoy both of them, so thanks a lot for posting and making videos.


catherine on July 24, 2009 at 12:00 PM said...

OH cool blog Elle, your amazing .:)
Everyone be sure to check out my blog beautysmartie101.blogspot.com
And please for me become a follower:)


Anonymous said...

Happy One year YouTube Birthday Elle!!

I've been a subsscriber for a few weeks now, but I love going through your old vids and learning something new!!


Michael Jackson on July 24, 2009 at 12:37 PM said...

Hello Elle!I just want to sey:you are so great in your videos,i just love it!You,Blair & Aubrey,are my favorites gurus on youtube!O yea..HappyBirthday! I want to see more makeup tutorials adn haul's.Tnx verry much for your videos.Love you..Vlada..

ritaliator on July 24, 2009 at 2:46 PM said...

i absolutely love that book! i would not stop laughing at every single chapter. they made the book into a movie, but i don't think it was ever released here in the states. if you wrote a book like that about yourself, i would definitely read it =)

Lizeth on July 24, 2009 at 3:24 PM said...

Elle, its like your describing my life! I wake up for work much to early for my sanity, drink coffee and still walk around in a daze. For me its 9pm and its like HELLO WORLD!

SarahgNZ on July 24, 2009 at 4:59 PM said...

Hey Elle! I have a pretty full on job (especially for my age) so I often go to bed thinking about things I need to get done the next day and then I have trouble sleeping.

Recently I've been doing yoga before bed and that's been really helping. It's good cos I get a bit of a workout and then the end has a relaxation part that makes me sleepy. Maybe it's something you can try too :-)

Portia x said...

you now have 2 birthdays per year where you can get presents, eat cake, have a party etc.
lucky x
so happy youtube birthday!
hope you have a good one ;) x

banana on July 24, 2009 at 5:41 PM said...

i've read the book it's so good!have you seen the film based on the book? it's the funniest thing ever. happy 1year anniversary!:) x

Anonymous said...

I would love to see mostly tutorials and reviews! Good job Elle I loooooove your videos!

EF - Montreal

Anonymous said...

Ha, I'm exactly the same. I'm sleepwalking around all day and when it gets dark I get active, and go to sleep at about 4 am. Which of course makes me wake up at about 1 pm.

By the way, the book is 'Angus, thongs, and full-frontal snogging', not Agnes! It's a great book though, always makes me laugh, no matter how sad I am. The movie (Angus, thongs, and perfect snogging) is awesome too! Aaron Johnson, who's Robbie, is hot and simply the cutest. You should see it!

Anonymous said...

Omg your post has totally encourgaed me to do videos now, I have set up a blog and have had no comments and only 7 views and was about to give up but Im going to start making videos .
Thanks elle! :)

Marisa on July 25, 2009 at 1:13 PM said...

congratulations Elle:D You were the first youtube beauty guru that I saw almost a year ago! xD

Patrice on July 25, 2009 at 9:13 PM said...

Happy youtube birthday! Just keep it up posting video makeup tutorial. I love watching you tutorial.

Anonymous said...

Hi Elle! You know I'm just like you. I must have insomnia too. When the sun sets I'm awake and full of energy. I clean our apartment, study, read, watch youtube the whole night. I don't know why that is. I've been like that since I was a kid. Now I work at the airport and I also do night swifts and I really really enjoy them. And I also watch your videos at night (and also your sister's). Luv ya guys!

Chaz18 on July 28, 2009 at 7:39 AM said...

Happy Birthday Elle!!! =]

Your subscribers are extremely nice people. I have never seen a bad comment on one of ur videos.

You should do another couple of good everyday looks, and maybe one using the coastal scents 88 palette, and your vlogs on ur vlog channel are awesome. It's cool how you can just sit there and talk for 10 mins. It's not boring, dispite what you say.

Keep making videos Elle! Love them! I get really annoyed when my broadband runs out and I can't watch them, I count down the days till it comes back.

Anonymous said...

nice pics... nice blog!

Anonymous on July 28, 2009 at 2:52 PM said...

and I love the jeans

SweetZ-- on July 29, 2009 at 12:27 AM said...

Omg I love Angus Thongs and Full frontal Snogging .
And i think I have insomnia too. Like a week ago I was actually complaing to my dad how when it's like 7 or so I just get a lot of energy and don't want to sleep even if i ahve to wake up early the nex day .

Catherine on July 29, 2009 at 11:07 AM said...

Hello elle:) i think i have insominia too lmaooo..im so energetic in the morning i start cleaning and sining lmao.

Anonymous said...

The book "Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging" is a really good book. There are like 5 other ones after that too.

faith120604 on July 30, 2009 at 3:52 PM said...

I love what you're already doing, but would love to see more "inspired" looks, like from the Twilight series you did last winter/this spring. I loved hearing you tell us your interpretations of the colors/their personalities and it was so creative!

kriskris18 on August 4, 2009 at 3:24 AM said...

So I am ashamed to say that I've just discovered your blog, and I've been watching your videos for almost a year now. I guess I just thought that it would be a bunch of pictures of your nails or something but I was so wrong! Congratulations on your first year of making videos. I would SO buy a book if you wrote it. Actually I would buy like 5 more as gifts for my friends. I'm glad Bear is doing better! Try feeding him tuna, cats love tuna. Also I have weird sleeping habits too. I go to sleep at 6am or so and wake up at 2 pm. I take online and evening classes so it works out, and nobody in my town hires anyone under the age of 35 or so. :)I'd really love to see more vlogs and fashion videos. I still love your makeup videos but to be honest there are so many makeup gurus that I would like it if you mixed it up a little. I also think it would be a really cool idea if you made a video of you out shopping and trying different outfits! I know I'm weird but I think it would be so fun. Anyways have a great day/night whatever it is right now I don't even know...

Anonymous said...


Pleasee Elle! haha(:

GVsplash21 said...

I have put up videos and no one has subscribed to me yet...how sad for me! lol. Your the blessing and curse that got me obsessed with makeup! I have always loved it, but never thought of it as a type of art before. Now I am constantly trying new things with my makeup hehe. Keep them coming Elle! We love your videos!!!

Yellow on August 17, 2009 at 7:57 AM said...

I really love your videos!!! you're great, so natural on them!
kisses from a portuguese fan***

Sarah on August 18, 2009 at 11:51 AM said...

Aww your blogs really good :o)
check out mine at http://sarah0992.blogspot.com/
although its nothing compared to yours

Amanda on August 22, 2009 at 11:33 PM said...

Hehe... That's so funny about not moving to Alaska because you're afraid of the dark! lol I'm quite terrified of the dark myself! Probably all those scary movies I watch! ^_^

Oh! And Happy Birthday! :)

Unknown on August 24, 2009 at 4:50 PM said...

hey Elle! just wanted to stop by an say 1) I think you're amazing and absolutley gorgeous! you've totally inspired me! And 2) can you do more fashion related things and reviews on products that a 13 year old girl could afford?! it doesn't have to me drugstore either! it would just really help me!
thanks xoxo

Merve said...

Hey Elle! Thanks for sharing! I want 2 ask smt. What do you do for ur hair? i mean is there any special thing that u do 2 get more healty&long hair? Thanks xoxo

Anonymous said...

Drugstore Reviews and Tutorials etc!!! I guess cos drugstore products are more accessible and definitely cheaper! i mean who doesn't like cheap stuff if it's worth it? :D

Cricket on November 12, 2009 at 11:15 AM said...

I would really like to see more things on a personal side. More favorites, more show us your collections, your room, your wardrobe, what's in your purse, etc. I'd also like for you to take us shopping! If we don't know about M.A.C. or how to shop in a drugstore for makeup...take us with you with a video camera! Show us more details of your life. You are very interesting and even my mum enjoys watching your videos!! Show us what foods you enjoy, what your reading now, what guys do you like and WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR CHRISTMAS!!! lol

Jas said...

i think you should do more things like how to do more simple stuff like put on eyeliner because personally i have a horrible time trying to get that stuff on....also i think you should make videos about girly room type stuff because my room is blaaand right now

Tricksters Brain said...

I'm working on starting to make videos but I'm still kinda trying to figure out how to make it so you can hear me and how movie maker works... But thanks for the encoragement!

I too suffer from insomnia in my case with perscribed medication making my life bearable but I hope yours improves at least a little bit.

Good luck to Bear in his recovery... Do you know what was wrong?
A continuation of everything so far sounds good to me !

Thanks for all the time you put into this the videos and your twitter.


Unknown on January 9, 2010 at 4:37 PM said...

I know this is an old post but I just had to comment. I LOVE "Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging"! I have read almost the whole series and I've read the first book at least three times. I LOVE it. That would be awesome if you wrote a book like that about your life! :]

fashiiondiiva6666 on January 17, 2010 at 3:38 PM said...

I know this would take some time to find, but a drugstore favorites would be amazing! Just kind of the drugstore things that are very good quality but not as expensive as mac & easy to find. I think this would help out a lot of people who may not be able to afford expensive makeup all the time!
P.S I absolutely AHDORE! your videos and have been watching them nonstop lately! Keep it going!

chromabe on February 26, 2010 at 1:43 AM said...

Hi! I know you have said before that you like to read, and I'm wondering if you have a list of recommended books? If not, you should make one!

Tabbilina on February 26, 2010 at 5:54 AM said...

hi elle, it would be nice to see more fashion videos. and reviews on books that you have read too. :)

Anonymous said...

Elle, the story about Bear was so cute. You have a great sense of humor sometimes. LOL. Sleep tight.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Angus not Agnes-or is it called different in America i'm not sure anyway nice blog!!!

Taylor from xtheBeautyDiariesx said...

Elle you are my favorite guru ever. Lol but I would love to see more tutorials with mid-level prices like nyx, coastal scents, etc. You inspired me to start with makeup & I recently recreated your rainbow eyes video & posted it as a video response. So if you have any time I would love any feedback you may have!

Anonymous said...

i want drugstore videos/ tutorilas!!

Olivia on April 10, 2010 at 11:11 AM said...

Hi Elle! I don't know if you've already done a video like this, but can you do a video on a 'good first mac product?' I'm probably younger than most of your viewers(i'm in middle school), so If you can't thats totally fine! I've been watching you, and your sister Blair for a while now, and I love you guys' videos! You guys have gotton me into Mac, and I really want to look into purchasing a product sometime soon.

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