Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Review on Lush's Therapy Massage Bar

Massage bars from Lush are like solid lotion bars. This one cost $8.75, but there are TONS of different massage bars that lush makes. These double as a massage oil bar and a luxurious moisturizer. You get out of the shower and dry off and then rub this all over your body. The bar melts on contact and makes your skin silky-smooth. This is one product I bought for my mom and sister too, and both of them love it as well. This is the blurb on the lush website:
"If you've never tried our massage bars before, we recommend you start with this one. It's completely organic, from the shea and cocoa butter that warm up with the heat of massage and melt into your skin (to make for a smooth, moisturizing but not slippery massage) to the lavender, sweet orange and neroli oils meant to relax and uplift you. We recommend this one for rubbing onto pregnant bellies to soothe and moisturize. Try it out; you'll never go back to those slippery massage oils again."

It smells very nice, not overwhelming at all, just very subtle. I would suggest letting it soak into your skin for a little bit before putting on your clothes because it makes your skin slick for the first few minutes. My mom and I have normal to dry skin and our skin literally drinks this stuff up. The lady at my lush counter said that this helps with stretch marks as well. I will be repurchasing this again, but I am going to test-smell other scents and maybe try a new one next time.

12 comments on "Review on Lush's Therapy Massage Bar"

Hannah on March 10, 2009 at 2:30 AM said...

Another way to use it is to rub it inbetween your hands so it heats up and the oil comes off and then you can rub it on yourself or someone else!

Shortiee31 on March 10, 2009 at 4:05 PM said...

Tried it myself for the first time yesterday... It's good stuff! I'll keep using it and see how it goes before I share my verdict lol :) Glad your happy with yours! x

ShardonaySays on March 10, 2009 at 8:42 PM said...

i need that in my life like today!!

Kari Lynn on March 15, 2009 at 9:22 PM said...

I just discovered Lush. The only counter in Indiana is about an hour from my house. I have to admit, some of the stuff I LOVE but some of it makes me sick to my stomach. One of my loves is definately the massage bar!

pandablush on March 16, 2009 at 10:16 AM said...

i never tried lush! i want to go there and grab something from lush someday, by looking at reviews ^^ loving ur blog?

spiffykerms on March 20, 2009 at 2:46 PM said...

I actually decided to step into the local Lush store that is in my mall... I smelled a few things that were on your list and in your YouTube video. I didn't end up purchasing anything, but I did enjoy the aroma of the store! The therapy massage bar actually wasn't all that slippery like I had first thought it would be. Perhaps my hands should've been a bit warmer to make all the oils come out. I'm not sure.

Anyway, love the entry!

Tara K on March 28, 2009 at 7:12 PM said...

I've been wondering what if anything I should try from Lush, and after hearing your review along with others' I'm thinking I may have to try this one for sure! Thanks Elle!

Pretty in Pink on March 28, 2009 at 10:19 PM said...

Do the Strawberry Feels Forever massage bar next time!

BeautyBlabber on March 9, 2010 at 2:07 PM said...

I LOVE massage bars, especially the EACH PEACH one, that smells unreal, however i HATE HATE HATE this one, its the smell, i really dislike it, just a bit sickening really

Sarah on March 9, 2010 at 4:19 PM said...

as far as massage bars, i love the strawberry feels forever :)

i used to thing mange too smelled good, but the next time i went back to lush and smelled it, it smelled different. weird.

LittleMissCherry said...

I've been using the Mange Too Massage Bar and it is yummy...contains white chocolate, vanilla, honey and peppermint oil =) I highly recommend it if you enjoy the massage bars.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling i was sent a bad one, because mine just doesn't smell appealing to me. its probably just me, but i love what it does to my skin!! o and elle, i freakin love youuuu <34465613526

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