Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lush Haul!

Ok so I am gonna post everything I got from Lush here with pictures and prices. You can get these at http://www.lush.com. I am posting a video on it now!
Porridge Soap: $5.95 for 3.5 oz
Made out of oats and smell SUPER organic and wholesome. 
I feel like this one will be exfoliating and moisturizing. 

Rockstar Soap: $7.95 for 3.5 oz
I cannot get over how this one smells. It is indescribable. 
This one = L.O.V.E.

Honey I washed the Kids: $7.95 for 3.5 oz
I can't get over how cute looking this soap is. It has a very organic feel to it.
It also smells really sweet and innocent, and VERY summery. 
Bon Bain Bonnard Bath Bomb: $5.95
This is a HUGE bath bomb, and smells of oranges and roses. 
It has colored sea salt inside, and is supposed to be very relaxing. 
I can't wait to try this one out!
Butterball Bath Bomb: $4.85
This one has cocoa butter and vanilla, and is supposed to be oh so relaxing. 
This is one of the ones I am most wanting to try, because its supposed to 
almost turn the water milky. Talk about moisturizing!
Creamy Candy Bubble Bar: $6.65
This one you crumble under running bath water to create tons of bubbles 
to play with. Sounds fun right? AND it smells like rockstar!

Buffy: $10.75 for 3.3 oz
This one has ground rice, almonds, and aduki beans to exfoliate your skin 
while body butter soothes it. This little baby was one of the main reasons
I wanted to go to Lush in the first place!
Therapy Massage Bar: $8.75 for 2.2 oz
This is a solid lotion bar that you rub all over your skin after you get out
of the shower. It has lavender and neroli, and is supposed to be 
especially good with stretch marks. It melts right into your hands and feels incredible. 

16 comments on "Lush Haul!"

Anonymous said...

I want to try Rockstar, everyone is loving it. Now you have me wanting to try all these things too!

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TheRaidstar on February 25, 2009 at 2:18 AM said...

wow they all look so good! now i want them all :)

Zoella. on February 25, 2009 at 2:57 AM said...

Yay, someone else who likes LUSH. I am becoming obsessed with it. LOVE rockstar soap, and the pink bubble bar smells amazing.

Posey on February 25, 2009 at 9:25 AM said...

i have been dying to get my hands on some LUSH stuff. i will have to look into some of these

Anonymous said...

your skin looks so clear and radiant right now, did you change up your skin routine?

Anonymous said...

Wow, these look good! I one that looks like a bee-cube was cute, same as the round with colours!

Shima on February 28, 2009 at 5:57 PM said...

The butterball bath bomb is amazing! It does in fact turn your water "milky" and is the ultimate tlc for your skin in my opinion :)

EmilyHEARTss on March 2, 2009 at 7:52 AM said...

the bath bombs look like fun ;P lol.

uhh.....can i ask you somehtitng?....well i'm asking anyway sooo...lol sryy.

ok so how did you make your blog so pretty. i've been playing around with the one i just made for about an hour now and i cant figure it out. [[i'm asking you cuz yours is so pretty... i'd like to make mine look nice too]]

Elizabeth Jarrard on March 2, 2009 at 10:39 AM said...

i love love love the buff bar! its such a great exfoliater/moisturizer!

Kerry on March 2, 2009 at 4:45 PM said...

I love Lush but i'm always in a rush to use all the products i get at once so i end up spending a fortune lol
The bubble bars are my fave and i had Buffy cos i was totally obsessed with Buffy the vampire slayer then lol but i thought it was a little too oily and i ended up breaking out on my arms and legs, etc
That was a little while ago so hopefully the formula has been changed, i might give it a go

By the way i have a beauty blog if anyone wants to check it out (please :))

Anonymous said...

heeey, keep up bloggin! :)

Anonymous said...

Never tried their stuff but I'm deff excited to!! Hmmm Which one should I try 1st??

Meg! on May 15, 2009 at 2:02 AM said...

PORRIDGE! My fave lush soap, smells sosososo good :D

Unknown on October 22, 2009 at 11:53 AM said...

Hi! My name is Cindy and I work for Lush Cosmetics home office. We LOVE your videos and would love to get incontact with you. please email me cindy@lush.com Hope to hear from you soon! :)

sammy said...

does lush give soup and expoliating samples

ogy23 on April 6, 2010 at 5:38 AM said...

those look really GOOD.....but sadly i can't get it here in my country =(

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