Monday, February 23, 2009

What's going on in my life?

So I am writing this post in the off chance that you guys won't mind an odd post that has nothing to do with product reviews or beauty. I am in my 3 hour evening class, but I wanted to update this. I can't do swatches or take pictures because I am not home so I am going to just ramble. Mostly I have been busy as a bumblebee with full time school (pre-law BTW), my sorority, two channels on youtube I try to keep up with, my blog, my twitter, and my new little business ( I also have this strange urge to start writing my own ebook, but I really have no idea what I would put in it right now (beauty tips? makeup looks? childhood pictures? - LOL kidding about the pics).  I have tomorrow off, so I am going to film a few videos, including my lush haul, which is my new love. I have only ever ordered lush online, so I never gotten the chance to sit there and smell all the different scents, but it was so so much fun. My favorite item? Rockstar soap - by far. This is based only off smell though, because I haven't actually used any of the products yet. I am saving them for when I go home in 10 days to my big bathtub. Ooh - makes me warm inside just to think about it :) I am going to make a haul tomorrow and then a review sometime while I am home after I have tried everything out. 

While at the mall I ran into several people who recognized me from youtube, including these two ADORABLE youngsters. Their names were Shea and Sarah, and I promised to give them a shoutout in a video. So yeah, if you ever see me bee-boppin' around your mall, say hi! I promise I will be nice! 

On a different note Mac was out of my studio sculpt foundation shade, NW15. Yes, I am pale pale pale. She sent me away with a fat sample so I am going to try it out and make sure I do not break out from it. If it works I am going to order it online.

Okay I am exhausted so I am going to end this ramble. Goodnight!!

13 comments on "What's going on in my life?"

Sarah RUSH on February 23, 2009 at 8:25 PM said...

I'm doing pre-law too, how fun!! Oooh I can't wait to see your haul-- I LOVE Lush! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! You work really hard! I love your videos!! It's so nice to take a break every now and then and watch some fun beauty videos by a super nice/fun person.

Mama Laura on February 23, 2009 at 8:32 PM said...

Good luck with the foundation sample! I looooove it, so I hope it works for you.

And geez, you're a busy girl!

Eunice on February 23, 2009 at 8:36 PM said...

hi! i love your videos & have been watching for a while - had no idea you were pre-law! Impressive that your undergrad offers a pre-law major/curriculum. I am a 2L @ Georgetown, so if you have any questions about law school/applications, feel free to email :)

Anonymous said...

i love your blog and videos! you are so nice and pretty and i hope to be like you one day!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the Lush haul!

Visit Makeup By Rere for makeup giveaways, contests, reviews, freebies, and more!


Nu Nu Dollie on February 23, 2009 at 11:59 PM said...

I'm a new Lush lover too. <3 Haha it must be fun having YouTube fans coming up to you! You're famous! :)

TheRaidstar on February 24, 2009 at 5:59 AM said...

wow you are very very busy! can't wait for the next vid! :D wow one more follower and you have 500! congrats xx

Kelly on February 24, 2009 at 7:06 AM said...

oh i love lush :) i cant wait to hear how you like the concealer!!! xxx

cherryblossom on February 24, 2009 at 4:39 PM said...

gotta love lush!

Foxy2282 on March 7, 2009 at 6:12 PM said...

Pre-Law huh? That's pretty cool!
Take it from me, I'm a 1L, your beauty addiction will only get worse! There is nothing I love more than a nice big HAUL after days upon days with my nose in the books!

telecomladyj on March 9, 2009 at 1:33 AM said...

Promise to be nice, psh! You really strike me as the type who couldn't be mean if you wanted to.
Look at life, you do something you really love, go to law school, and your public loves you! Couldn't happen to a sweeter gal. It's a real joy just watching how upbeat and vibrant you are reviewing products and such. God Bless! =)

Anonymous said...

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